ART SPARK in City Park this Saturday
On Saturday, May 14th, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, the new Goldring/Woldenberg Great Lawn in City Park (across from Storyland) will sparkle with 100 Arts Market of New OrleansRead More
On Saturday, May 14th, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, the new Goldring/Woldenberg Great Lawn in City Park (across from Storyland) will sparkle with 100 Arts Market of New OrleansRead More
MCNO May Upcoming Events May Mid-City Neighborhood Organization Monthly Meeting (Now meeting the second Monday of every month) Monday, May 9th Topic: Health Care in Mid-City with updates on the BioDistrictRead More
Some residents have claimed that property owners of abandoned houses in their area are claiming homestead exemptions even when it is obvious that they are living elsewhere. With all theRead More
We received word this evening that the State Historic Tax Credit Bill will be taken up by the House Ways and Means Committee on MONDAY, MAY 9, 2011. If you haveRead More
MCNO has issued a letter of support for the redevelopment of Jefferson Davis Parkway Neutral Ground and Bike Path. Click the link to view the MCNO Jeff Davis bike pathRead More
The Mid-City Security District Monthly meeting has been canceled to allow residents of the area to attend the Community Redistricting Meeting for Council District B. What: The New Orleans CityRead More
Join us for our April Mixer at Twelve Mile Limit Wednesday, April 20th 5:30-till 500 S. Telemachus St. at the corner of Baudin “Great drinks at dive prices and Mid-City’sRead More
Saturday’s fundraiser at the Mid-City Community Garden was a big success! Thanks to everyone who stopped by. For more information, visit
URGENT – REMINDER – MID-CITY MASTER PLANNING SESSION TONIGHT!!!! This is your chance to express your opinion regarding the proposed land uses in the District 4 portion of the MasterRead More