Blight and Code Enforcement

To report a blighted property, residents should call 311.

  • After the Department of Code Enforcement issues a code enforcement violation on a property, a public hearing is held where property owners are commanded by law to appear at the Code Enforcement Hearings Bureau and bring printed evidence of any work in progress or completed work to bring the property into compliance with the City code.
  • Hearings are open to the public, and MCNO encourages community members with any relevant information about a property or property owner to attend the hearing for that property and offer testimony.  Neighbors are most directly affected by blighted conditions and thus neighbors who attend hearings can really change outcomes in Code Enforcement Hearings.  More about the City’s blight fighting process is available on their website
  • If you are a building owner who has received a notice to attend a hearing, follow this link
  • To view the City’s Code Enforcement Hearings calendar, click here.
  • To contact the Department of Code Enforcement for hearing information: 504-658-5050
  • Report tall grass, rodents, vagrants, and other environmental health issues to the City Health Department by dialing 311, or in person at 1300 Perdido Street, Room 8E18 or online at
  • For suspicious activity (vagrants, drug deals, etc.) associated with a property use the Non-emergency Police Number – 821-2222.
  • To contact the Police District:
    First District – Phone 504-658-6010, fax 504-658-6342 – 501 N. Rampart St.
    Third District – Phone 504-658-6030, fax 504-658-6249 – 1700 Moss St
  • To report abandoned or blighted property to MCNO, contact  We do not handle blight enforcement for residents; rather this is for our record keeping purposes.