Standing rules are the procedures or general policies not included in MCNO’s bylaws. They cannot be in conflict with the bylaws. Unlike bylaws, standing rules can be changed or amended at any time, with a majority vote of the board. When the MCNO board adopts or changes rules, they will be posted here.
Approved March 2007. The Bylaws state Candidates must be a member at the time of election and must reside within the organization’s boundaries. The following standing rule clarifies how residency is defined and how it can be challenged. All candidates for the Board who were elected in December 2006 met the residency criteria.
Candidates for the Board must either (1) have physically dwelled within the organization’s boundaries for six of the past 12 months OR (2) be eligible to vote in Mid-City elections due to a voter registration address within the organization’s boundaries.
All candidates may be required, at any time before the election or within 120 days after the election, to provide written documentation verifying qualifications (for example, rental lease, act of sale, homestead exemption, or voter registration card). No challenge to qualifications will be received for consideration more than 120 days after the election.
Voting Between Board Meetings
Adopted May 2009. From time to time, it is necessary to conduct a vote between Board meetings. Such a vote should only occur when an Officer or Director is not aware of an issue prior to the Board meeting and the deadline for a position comes before the subsequent Board meeting. In such cases, there are two options:
- Call an Emergency Meeting in accordance with the Bylaws.
An Emergency Meeting is appropriate when the issue is of a complex nature and will require face to face discussion and dissemination of information. - Request an email vote via the approved Board email discussion group.
For email votes, all Board members are considered present and able to vote, therefore, a simple majority of all current board members is needed for the motion to carry. A Board member sends the email request to the MCNO Board email discussion group using the Subject line Email Vote Discussion:[insert topic]. The body of the email shall include a discussion of the issues, the Board members’ position, the proposed motion, and should define the period of discussion (typically no less than 3 business days).
At the end of the period of discussion, a Board member shall call the question and formally make a motion. At this time, the email request to the MCNO Board email discussion group using the Subject line Email Vote Motion:[insert topic]. Board members must then respond in support, opposition or abstention from the motion within 1 business day. The Secretary shall record the results of all email votes and note them in the Minutes of the next Board meeting.
If a Board member will be unable to review email routinely (i.e. during a vacation) they must notify the email discussion group with the dates they are not available and they will be excluded from any votes that come up during that period.
Land Use Issues
Adopted April 2019
It is the policy of MCNO not to take a stance on individual property land use and zoning issues regarding conditional use or variance requests.
If there is enough input from neighbors, we will compile a list of comments received and will send it to city council.
We will still comment on zoning change requests and issues impacting multiple properties within Mid City.
Waiver of membership fees for Block Captains
Adopted November 2019
The MCNO Board has voted to commend and reward members of our block captain program with a waiver of membership dues to honor the extraordinary service to the community and this organization.