Mid-City is organizing to start our march against violence beginning from Helen Hill’s home at 3438 Cleveland Avenue. The details follow. We will meet the larger group, which is starting at the Aquarium, at City Hall.
Please invite all neighbors, friends, business owners & employees to join us in this effort.
- What: March Against Violence
- When: Thursday January 11
Meet between 10:30 and 10:45am
March at 11:00am - Where: 3438 Cleveland Avenue (corner of S. Clark)
March to City Hall
Feel free to join us along the route. [map] or meet us at City Hall at noon.
This march is not just about Helen Hill. It is about all of us.
- Wear a white shirt
- Carry a photo or sign with name of anyone in your life who has been a victim of violent crime.
Questions? Contact MJ Sauer mjcs [at] bellsouth [period] net or Bart Everson at 812-391-0818
It would be great if Central City would march in from one direction, Uptown / Garden District from another, Algiers yet another etc., all converging on City Hall. If your neighborhood can’t put an individual march together, please join in the march from the aquarium, but bring signs representing your neighborhood.
Update: Here is a flyer you can print out. (It is a 1MB PDF.) Remember most people in Mid-City don’t look at this website. Please print out this flyer and make sure everyone on your block sees it!
Update #2: Here is a Spanish version of the flyer. (Thanks to the Molinas for translating.) Please print it out for your Spanish-speaking neighbors!