Women (Bicycle) Commuter Workshop Tomorrow in City Park

BikeEasy New Orleans is hosting a workshop tomorrow evening in City Park for Women who commute by bike or are interested in commuting by bike in New Orleans.
The workshop will cover:

  • bike selection, maintenance, and fit
  • your rights as a cyclist on the road
  • commuting with kids
  • biking safety
  • fixing a flat and other simple repairs

Bring your bike, a helmet and a friend or co-worker to learn how to improve your quality of life by biking more in this flat, flat city of ours.


Wed, Jun 26, 2013
6:00 – 8:00 pm


Grow Dat Youth Farm
150 Zachary Taylor Drive
in City Park


FREE! Please RSVP by email and include the number of people, your names and phone numbers.
Want a bike light for attending the event? We are selling sets for only $10, but you must be at the workshop to get the lights.

For more information, visit the bike easy website.

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