Since construction of the proposed LSU and VA Hospitals have had, and will continue to have, an enormous impact on our neighborhood, we’ve started publishing updates from our friends who are working with, The National Trust for Historic Preservation and other groups working on various issues arising from the demolition, construction and future operation of these facilities. If you’re concerned and want to get involved, here are some important upcoming events. All are open to the public.
- Tuesday, August 16, 6:00 p.m., 2525 Canal St.: monthly meeting between residents of the areas impacted by the VA construction, representatives of city government and the Veterans Administration, and concerned neighbors.
- Wednesday, August 17: Committee to ReOpen Charity meeting, 6:00 p.m. at The Bean Gallery, N. Carrollton corner Orleans.
- Thursday August 23: Workshop on mitigation grants, 6:00 p.m., Grace Episcopal Church, 3700 Canal St. Learn about grants being offered to Mid-City homeonwnerrs to offset the the loss of so many historic buildings, and so much of the fabric, of lower Mid-City due to the VA ‘s construction. Free.
- Thursday, September 15, 9:00 a.m., Civil District Court, Third Floor: Hearing, Outer Banks Bar owner Greg Guth will have a chance to argue that the taking of his Mid-City property was illegal and unfairly compensated. Some of the arguments posed in this case are the same as those posed by the Blood Center, whose fight against being expropriated for the VA project received MCNO’s backing. Citizens are urged to pack the cortroom Contact for details.
Ongoing: Nothng stands between McDonogh 11, which received $2 million in post-Katrina federal restoration funding, and its demolition. MCNO urged state and City Officals to preserve this historic building, to no avail. Those watching the site fear it will come down any day.
Ongoing: Sign the petition, endorsed by MCNO, urging Governor Jundal to consider ALL options for the University Medical Center, including a retooling of the Charity facility. Go to for more information or to sign.
NOTE: MCNO’s BioDistrict Committee is working to have the boundaries of the 1500-acre economic development site surrounding the LSU and VA projects — an area known as “BioDistrict New Orleans” — redrawn to exclude the residential neighborhoods of Mid-City. For more information, go to To talk back, express your concerns or ask questions of this MCNO group, e-mail
Concerned? Take action!