Title Clearing Collaborative Project

Volunteers from Louisiana Appleseed and attorneys from Southeast La. Legal Services and The Pro Bono Project are available to to you under their Title Clearing Collaborative Project.  The Title Clearing Collaborative, has been working hard for almost one year to help 400 homeowners in Orleans Parish clear title to their property free of charge, enabling residents to rebuild, make productive use of their land, eradicate blight, and build wealth and assets.
Contact the Louisiana Appleseed Project today:
Jessie Haynes
Jessie Schott Haynes, Esq.
Program Director
Louisiana Appleseed
909 Poydras Street, Suite 1550
New Orleans, Louisiana 70112
504-561-7304 (o)
504-566-1926 (f)
Louisiana Appleseed recruits professionals to donate pro bono time to solve problems at their root cause.  Their goal is to advance social justice by effecting change at the policy, or systemic, level.  Louisiana Appleseed’s projects seek to increase access to opportunity, education and justice.

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