New Orleans Rail Gateway Program
Public Scoping Meeting Notice
Open to the Public
Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 6:00-7:30
Xavier University, University Center, 3rd Floor
Mary and William McCaffrey Ballroom B
4980 Dixon Street, New Orleans 70125
The City of New Orleans must negotiate an agreement with Norfolk-Southern in order for the Lafitte Greenway to be constructed as a “rails with trails” type amenity on the segment of St. Louis St. between N. Alexander and Canal Boulevard. This meeting offers the public an opportunity to express support for this agreement as part of the Rail Gateway Program. It is critical to rally behind full completion of the Greenway, as envisioned in the original plan. If the Greenway is cut off at N. Alexander, we will lose the opportunity to connect the city from the river to the lake, thus missing out on connecting City Park, Delgado, and the Lakefront. Come out to support the Greenway plan as originally envisioned!