Recap from last night's Neighborhood Meeting

MCNO Monthly Meeting

August 12, 2013

Warren Easton High School

3019 Canal Street

6:00 PM – 6:30 PM         Mid-City Meet and Greet
Blue Oak BBQ sponsored tonight’s meeting and provided a delicious taste of what they hope to provide to Mid-Citizens out of their proposed location on Bienville and Bernadotte (formerly Yang’s PoBoys).
6:30 PM – 6:50 PM         Welcome & Announcements
–          MCSD Updates with Jim Olsen – MCSD is working on a new website that will provide more user friendly information and track area crime trends.
–          Crime Prevention with officer Kristi Johnson – crime trends in the area are primarily car burgleries where cars were left unlocked. Also, cell phones stolen from citizens walking on the street with their cell phone out who are not paying attention. Officer Johnson will provide regular updates to the neighborhood on crime prevention.
–         Mid-City Market Update with Bonnie – Mid-City Market is open with the exception of a few additional stores which will be rolling out in the next few weeks.
–         5th Annual Mid-City Porch Crawl Saturday October 19th at Finn McCools – Planning committee has secured sponsorship from New Orleans Rum. Mark your calendars, this is going to be a record breaking year.
–         Food Truck Rally Finn McCools Labor Day Weekend September 1 and 2 with My House
–         Tulane Ave Initiative with Josef Wright – Media blitz this weekend on efforts to improve Tulane Ave. The Mid-City Business association is taking a hard stance on the issue and working with police and city government to curtail illegal activity. Their next monthly meeting will be held on 8/19/13 at GNO Credit Union, 2812 Canal St, NOLA 70119. Cm. Jackie Clarkson will address the Tulane initiative at this meeting. The Times Picayune had a front page article about prostitution and drugs on Tulane Ave ( and how crime is keeping new businesses away from Tulane Ave) in the 8/11 edition. The MCBA asked the Times Picayune to do the story and will have updates on the progress to reduce this problem.
6:50 PM – 7:05 PM         Floodless New Orleans! with Jonathan Henderson of the Gulf Restoration Network – provided information about the City’s plans to reduce flooding in the long term.
7:05 PM – 7:20 PM          501 S. Bernadotte Development with B. Wright 501 S. Burnadotte PlansInteriorLocation
Proposed restaurant near St. Patrick Park bounded by S. Bernadotte, Baudin and 1-10/Julia. Near neighbors are concerned about parking and the scale of the proposed restaurant. Other concerns include the open air deck for dining, residents site increased noise. Developer presented his plans and comments and questions were addressed. MCNO will take a formal position on this matter at its next board meeting at the end of the month. Currently, MCNO is accepting comments related to this proposal at Download City Planning Commission Opinion.

  • Current zoning: Light Industrial/Inner City Urban Corridor; Proposed Use: Restaurant
  • Requested Variances/Waivers:
    • Floor Area Ratio (permitted 1.0, proposed 1.97)
    • Off-Street Parking (required 21, proposed 0)
    • Off-Street Loading (required 1, proposed 0)

7:20 PM – 7:30 PM          4740 Canal Street Renovation – conversion of gas station to Hooka Cafe
Construction has begun to relocate the Hooka Cafe (currently on Carrollton and Palmyra). Plans are under design review as it is located in the Inner Urban Corridor. 4740 Plans4740 Canal Permit Review Letter
7:30 PM – 7:45 PM          Neighborhood Open Forum
7:45 PM                               Meeting Adjourn

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