The New Orleans Regional Planning Commission, in cooperation with the Louisiana Department of Transportation, is preparing an Environmental Assessment for the improvement of the US 61 (Tulane Avenue) corridor. The proposed Tulane Avenue corridor improvements span from S. Carrollton Avenue east to S. Claiborne Avenue, a distance of 1.93 miles. The US 61/Tulane Avenue corridor has been a key component of public transportation, business, and medical service facilities for the past 100 years. The overall goal of this project is corridor improvements that support future traffic demand and adjacent land use while enhancing pedestrian and transit system operations. A public, “open house” style, meeting will be held at the following location and time to provide citizens an opportunity to view alternative plans and ask questions of the project team:
Regional Transit Authority Facility Board Room, 2nd Floor July 24, 2012 4:00 – 7:00 PM 2817 Canal Street New Orleans, Louisiana 70119Two alternatives are currently under consideration including 1) a minimum reconstruction alternative and 2) a total reconstruction alternative.
For more information or if you require special assistance, due to a disability, to participate in this public meeting, please contact URS Corporation by telephone at 504-218-0880 at least five working days prior to the meeting.