Preservation Opportunities Workshop
Tuesday, August 23rd – 6PM to 8PM
Grace Episcopal Church, 3700 Canal Street
Hear about preservation grants and tax credits that help pay for renovations to historic properties. Learn about special exemptions that make it more feasible to purchase and renovate historic homes!
Hear about preservation grants and tax credits that help pay for renovations to historic properties. Learn about special exemptions that make it more feasible to purchase and renovate historic homes!
The grant program to be discussed at the Workshop will award rehabilitation grants to owners of historic properties in the Mid-City National Register Historic District. It was set up as part of the Programmatic Agreement that governs the LSU/VA project.
However, the tax credits and special exemptions are available to all owners of qualifying historic property. Please invite anyone interested in saving New Orleans’ historic glory!
For more information on the grant opportunity, visit
Historic Preservation Grant Workshop Flyer
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