Parking Symposium in New Orleans

TUESDAY, MARCH 13, 2012 6:00 PM–8:00 PM

A symposium on the true costs of parking and new strategies for making parking work, featuring parking expert and innovator Donald Shoup, PhD.

Accommodating the automobile requires a lot of parking. Providing all this parking has had a profound effect on our communities, literally reshaping them. Through parking requirements we have come to expect free or cheap parking at every destination. However, parking is not free or cheap for any of us. The cost of providing this “free” parking is hidden in the costs of virtually every other good and service we buy – from a cup of coffee to rent. We also experience costs in time spent ‘hunting’ for a space, traffic-filled neighborhoods, less walking,and a severe loss of tree canopy and green space. Join ULI Louisiana as we learn about the effects of our current approach to parking and alternatives to managing parking that can help make our city a better place to live.

Kurt Weigle – Executive Director, Downtown Dev. District

Marcel Wisznia – Principal, Wisznia Associates HRI Properties

New Orleans City Planning Commission

KEYNOTE SPEAKER: Dr. Donald Shoup – Professor of Urban Planning, UCLA

For more information or to Register online, please visit the Urban Land Institute.

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