Please direct all comments and questions about the project to the applicant (contact info at bottom)
“Dear Neighbor,
Me and my husband own the building at 3120 Cleveland Avenue. We would like to apply for a conditional use to permit a neighborhood commercial establishment in an HU-RD2 District in accordance with Article 11, Section 11.2 (Table 11-1) of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance. The site is a 3-story residential structure, whose middle apartment is a corner store that used to be commercial, with a combined square footage of 2,266 square feet. On-street parking is provided, and no variance or waivers are required.
Because you are a nearby neighbor or otherwise interested in the neighborhood, I am inviting you to learn more about what we propose, and present questions or concerns. There will be no NPP meeting taking place at this time due to the COVID-19 emergency. After you receive this notice, I will stay in communication to document any concerns or inquiries you may have to be included in the application. This will constitute a virtual NPP meeting.
Our application has to be heard by the City Planning Commission and the City Council and we are required to do this before we submit our application to the City Planning Commission.
This letter is being delivered through U.S. Mail and through hand delivery. I’ve enclosed my site plans to give you a better idea of what we’d like to do. The site is now occupied by a nonprofit called New Orleans Mutual Aid (visit Instagram @neworleansmutualaid for more information) that helps the community and people in need receive food and helpful resources to move through the challenges connected with the pandemic and other personal struggles. If we receive approval, we plan to continue to offer the space to organizations of social interest. We might do some minor construction work within the building for better use.
If you would like to receive more information about the application, please feel free to contact me. If you have any additional questions or comments, below is how to reach me.
Sophia Dietzel