NPP MEETING NOTICE 217 South Rendon St. 4/10 8am

Dear Neighbor:
217 S. Rendon LLC owns a Gymnasium and the vacant lot at the corner of S. Rendon and Cleveland Ave.
This building was heavily damaged during Hurricane Katrina. The building was previously owned by the Archdiocese and was in disrepair and remains damaged and uninhabitable. It has become a target for graffiti and vandalism.
The goal is to put this Gymnasium and the adjacent property into commerce by providing much needed housing with off street parking. This will be an Affordable Development and a tax paying entity. The plan is to build 24 units with 10% allocated for affordable housing. All the units are within the existing structure. The units range from 912 -1100 sq. ft.
This request is for: A Planned Development: “A conditional use to permit a planned development in an HU-RD2 District in accordance with Table 11-1 of the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance.”(enclosed)
Because you are a nearby neighbor or otherwise interested in the neighborhood, I am inviting you to a virtual meeting where you can learn more about what we propose, and present questions and concerns. Our application has to be heard by the City Planning Commission and the City Council and we are required to do this before we submit our application to the City Planning Commission.
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, a VIRTUAL MEETING will be held via Zoom on Saturday, April 10, 2021 from 8:00 — 9:00 am. To join the meeting, create a Zoom account and enter the following information.
Topic: NPP Meeting for 217 S Rendon LLC
Time: Apr 10, 2021 Central Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 872 4420 8081
Passcode: 217SRendon

This letter is being delivered through US Mail and through hand delivery. I have enclosed site plans to give you a better idea of what is being proposed along with a list of the permitted uses within the HU-RD2. If you are unable to attend and would like to receive information from the virtual meeting, please visit our website,
I hope to see you at the meeting on April 10th.
Bonnie Alford
Phone: 504-372-8236

This is the second time the applicant is seeking this zoning change, please see information from 2016 and the full staff report from the last application


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