Notice of proposed bylaw changes for 2019

This is the organizational notice of proposed revisions, removal and reorganization of this organization’s bylaws.

There are 20 substantive revisions to the Bylaws (and a few clerical revisions where changing one bylaw number requires changing the following numbers). These are mostly clarifying in nature, such as itemizing specific definitions (proxy votes, for example) or separating a single bylaw that appears to actually address 2 processes. There are a few significant updates proposed, such as to Meeting Attendance policy by Board membership, but these are also made in the spirit of clarifying processes which are now very vague.

All changes have been highlighted on the document, with removals shown as strikethroughs and additions simply highlighted. This lets the reader view the previous bylaw being clarified, with the proposed new copy following.

A notification of a minimum 14 days must be made to the general membership prior to a vote on the changes. Changes can be made by a 2/3 vote of the Board or a majority of the general membership. We intend to hold a vote on these changes at the November 11th general meeting.

Proposed bylaw changes 2019

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