MCNO Members & Friends,
I haven’t gotten the tally from our Secretary, but I believe the new bylaws passed easily.
Now is the time for everyone to be considering running for a Zone Captain position or talking to neighbors who might do so. We will be voting on nominations at the December meeting (December 7) and will be posting bios of nominated candidates over the coming weeks.
The Zone Map will be posted here and in the “Map” link under the “Pages” section of the website so you can confirm your Zone. Note that there is no longer a Zone E we redivided Zones C, D, and E, into C and D and split them at the industrial corridor that abuts Toulouse. To keep things simple, since many of you know your Zones, we did not reletter the other Zones.
We will have an online means for accepting nominations for Zone Captain positions by Friday. ANYONE in a zone can make nominations, whether they are an MCNO member or not. However, Zone Captains must be members in good standing in order to serve on the board. They should also have ties to the zone for which they are running live, work, own property, etc. Those of you who have expressed interest in running, we will be contacting you about submitting a bio.
This structure can ensure better representation in every zone. However, it requires participation to work most effectively. If any zones in Mid-City do not have a Zone Captain for 2010, it will dilute the efficacy of our advocacy efforts in that area.
These are YOUR zones your neighborhoods within a neighborhood and we hope a lot of you are excited about getting more involved. If Mid-City is to continue its march onward and upward, we need everyone to donate a little bit of their time!
Jennifer Farwell