Monday, June 13th Neighborhood Meeting to Focus on Blight

Bring addresses and pictures of houses like this one to report directly to code enforcement representatives.


Come join your neighbors this Monday for the Monthly Neighborhood Meeting. This month’s topic is Blight and Revitalization. We have invited City Representatives, Non-Profit Organizations, and Local Experts to discuss new strategies in our neighborhood. Download a flyer to pass on to a neighbor.

Monday, June 13, 6:00pm

3700 Canal, Grace Episcopal Church

Blight and Recovery

6:00-6:30 “Meet & Greet”

Pizza and Food to be provided by GNO Credit Union
Meet Your Zone Captains
Q & A with Local Developers including the new “Mid-City Market” at the Harry’s Ace and Bohn Ford Site!

6:30-8:00 Regular Program

Bring Pictures and Notes about your top blight candidates as city representatives will be present to accept your submissions. Learn about MCNO’s program to eradicate blight in Mid-City.

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