Mid-City Volleyball Tournaments THIS SUMMER

The Mid-City Volleyball Group will be running its first quad grass volleyball tournament on Saturday July 9.  Here are more details:
What Quad Grass V-ball: Juniors submit their own single-sex teams, adults sign up as an individual for a co-ed draw
When Saturday, July 9, on-site registration at 1pm, captain’s meeting at 1:30pm, play begins at 2pm
Where St. Patrick ball field which is maintained by Mid-City Yacht Club, 440 S. St Patrick Street
Why Because MCVG wants to promote a great sport for both youth and adults
How Sign up on-line at www.midcityvolleyball.org.  The tournament registration form includes a link to register for USAV Summer Membership which is a one-time requirement ($15.00 fee) so that we can get insurance through USA Volleyball for all our events.  Please print and sign the liability waiver, and medical release form if applicable, before you arrive at St. Patrick ball field.
Cost in advance $80.00 per quad team for the juniors, $20.00 per individual for the adults
Cost on July 9 $100.00 per quad team for the juniors, $25.00 per individual for the adults
On another note, Mid-City Volleyball Group has agreed to be the steward of the sculpture at Jefferson Davis Parkway and Lafitte Ave, and we wish to make it a piece of public art by attaching flip flops to the fencing so that it looks like a trail of people have weaved along the pathway.  Art is so subjective, huh?  If you have an old pair of flip flops you’d like to donate to the cause please bring them to the pick-up games along Bayou St. John or bring them to the July 9 Junior Jam.
For more information please contact:
Peter Hickman, phickm@gmail.com, President of Mid-City Volleyball Group
MCVG Tournament schedule 2011

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