June 13, 2011 Neighborhood Meeting Agenda



Community mixer / “Meet Your Zone Captain”
Bring your issues and complaints to your MCNO neighborhood representative
6:00- Townshend Underhill, developer, and Chip Verges, architect, presentation on proposed Mid-City Market
— If you’d like to join the MCNO working group on this development please notify Jenifer Farwell at the meeting or by e-mailing president@mcno.org. The working group meets every other week to go through the details of what is being proposed for this key Mid-City site.

MCNO Community Meeting

6:30: Announcements
6:40: Introduction, Lisa Ambrose, caseworker, Office of U.S. Representative Cedric Richmond
6:45-8:00: Focus on Blight and Revitalization
Part I: Eradicating Blight- a “How-To” session.”
Barbara Lacen-Keller, Director of Community Outreach, Office of District B Cm Stacy Head
Wesley Bayas, Deputy Director, Office of Neighborhood Engagement, and Wes Taylor, Director of Special Projects, Office of Code Enforcement and Hearings
–We have asked city representatives to receive complaints about specific properties after they make their presentation. They will step into the hall to speak with individuals and receive your notes and photos. Please make sure to let the MCNO officer attending these conversations know which property you are complaining about, and why, so we can track progress in getting something done on them!
Jennifer Farwell: Introducing the Dirty Dozen
Part II: Investing in Mid-City: Incentives, Ongoing Developments and the Impact of Non-Profit Development
Tax Credit Programs: Michelle Kimball, PRCNO: update on state tax credits from Monday’s legislative session and  Jennifer Farwell. President, MCNO – an introduction to homeowner tax credit programs
— Please sign up or e-mail secretary@mcno.org if you are interested in attending an in-depth presentation by the State Office of Historic Preservation on homeowner tax credits that are available for historic properties in Mid-City. Early evening workshop is tentatively scheduled for 6/23/2011.
Update on Ongoing and Proposed Developments:
Mid-City Market: Townshend Underhill, Striling Properties, and Chip Verges, Verges Rome Architects, Mid-City Market
YWCA on S. Jeff Davis: Loyce Pierce Wright, President, YWCA, and Gabriel Virdure, Project Architect, Trapolin-Peer.
3222 Canal St. – Jeane Roux-Conner, Interim Project Manager, UNITY of Greater New Orleans: 3222 Canal St.
A consortium of Nonprofit developers, including: Rebuilding Together New Orleans;St. Bernard Project; PNOLA; Providence Community Housing; and Operation Nehemiah, to talk about the cumulative impact of completed affordable housing developments in Mid-City and the potential impact of future developments.
7:45-8:00: upcoming events

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