July General Meeting

MCNO’s July General Membership Meeting will be held Monday, July 11, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Join us for a full agenda of legislative updates from Rep. Royce Duplessis, information on New Orleans Code Enforcement’s “Safe Pools Initiative,” and a briefing on SOUL’s new programs.

We look forward to seeing everyone this coming Monday!


July 11 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Warren Easton High School 3019 Canal St.

  1. Announcements: (6:30PM)
    1. Love the Boot Neighborhood Cleanup, July 23, 9-11am. Meet at the playground at the intersection of the 2800 block of Banks St. and 400 block of S. White St.
    2. No August meeting


  2. Legislative Updates – Rep. Royce Duplessis


  3. Mid-City Security District Updates


  4. Guests
    1. New Orleans Code Enforcement – Safe Pools Initiative
    2. Rachel Conway, Save Our Urban Landscape (SOUL) – updates on new location, opt-out program, volunteer opportunities 
    3. Ron Camarota, Office of Consumer Advocacy, Department of Insurance – Hurricane Awareness 


Next MCNO Community Meeting – Monday, September 12

Suggestions or feedback for speakers or topics welcome


Mid-City Security District Commissioner meeting

Visit MidCitySecurityDistrict.org for information on the next meeting

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