July 8 General MCNO Meeting

Mid-City Neighborhood Organization
General Meeting Agenda

July 8, 2024 @ 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
Warren Easton High School 3019 Canal St.

Please join us for education and discussion of community topics and interaction
with city representatives and other community organizations.

  1. Announcements: (6:30PM)
    1. Short Term Rental process – MCNO involvement?
    2. Bimonthly meeting schedule
    3. District B Cleanup: July 17
  2. Mid-City Security District Updates
    1. MidCitySecurityDistrict.org
  3. City Representatives
    1) CM Joe Giarrusso, District A: 504-658-1010
    2) CM Lesli Harris, or rep, District B: 504-658-1020
    3) Elise Williams, Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Engagement:
  4. Guests
    1. Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans
      Update on power substation and AMI meters

Next MCNO Town Hall Meeting – Monday, September 9
Suggestions or feedback for speakers or topics welcome

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