Improve Drainage and the Appeal of your Street

Don’t miss out!  Sign up now for Thursday’s Capacity College Clinic presented by NPN in partnership with the LSU AgCenter Research & Extension School on the topic of: Improve Drainage and the Appeal of your Street and your Neighborhood.  Learn how you and your neighbors can improve drainage in response to rainwater that collects on your street and in your neighborhood.  This can help you maintain, protect, and even increase your property value.
Finally, learn from and ask questions of the Sewerage and Water Board, state environment, and land-use representatives.

Thursday, June 23
9 a.m. – 11 a.m.
Mahalia Jackson Early Childhood & Family Learning Center
2405 Jackson Avenue, Board Room
New Orleans, LA 70113


  • Steve Picou, LSU AgCenter
  • Jeff Dauzat of the State Department of Environmental Quality
  • Scott Finnney, Sewerage & Water Board of New Orleans
  • Jen Roberts, Bayou Land Resource Conservation & Development Council
  • Louis Jackson, CDM Engineering

Limited Seating Available! Click here to Register!
NPN Members: $10 /Non-Members: $15
Questions? Call NPN at 504-940-2207
Sent on behalf of Neighborhoods Partnership Network

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