Friends of Lafitte Corridor Planning Meeting

Sunday, June 25
2:00 pm
1440 Canal Street
Room 1210
FREE PARKING at the Lasalle Parking Garage on Lasalle St. betwee Cleveland and Tulane, right across from the entrance to the Tulane University Emergency Room
Everyone is welcome, ESPECIALLY residents and business owners in the neighborhoods close to the corridor such as Treme, Mid City and Bayou St. John

What is the Lafitte Corridor?
The Lafitte Corridor is the largely abandoned parcel of land adjacent to Lafitte Street (between Orleans Avenue and Bienville) that runs from N. Claiborne Ave to Jefferson Davis Parkway.
What is being proposed?
Community residents are actively involved in resurrecting the corridor as a greenspace which will connect neighborhoods, schools and jobs via a trail, provide park space for neighboring residents, and act as a catalyst for revitalization.
Who is invited to participate in the planning meetings?
Everyone is invited to get involved, especially those who live and work in the neighborhoods near the corridor such as Treme, Mid City, and Bayou St. John.
Who’s in charge of this project?
This is a grass-roots community initiated effort, not a city or privately sponsored project. Neighbors and others are encouraged to get involved at this early phase to bring their own vision and energy to this project so that it truly reflects the needs and wants of the entire community.
For more information:
Come to the meeting! Or stay involved by joining the Friends of Lafitte Corridor (FOLC) yahoo group:

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