Friends of Lafitte Corridor Board Nominations

Call for nominations to the Friends of Lafitte Corridor Board

It is time for the election of Friends of Lafitte Corridor (FOLC) Board of Directors. FOLC’s Board can consist of up to twenty-one directors that can hold office for three-year terms with no consecutive terms. You can see the current board on the FOLC website. Currently, there are seven positions available. We are seeking nominees for board members with the following qualities:
• Interest in developing the Lafitte Corridor as an urban trail with multiple activity uses
• Willingness to promote FOLC at meetings, events, and other venues
• Willingness to assist or lead fundraising efforts to support FOLC operations
• Ability to attend monthly FOLC meetings (missing three consecutive meetings results in automatic dismissal)
If you or someone you know possess these qualities, please feel free to nominate yourself or another person to be included on the ballot for Board elections. Send all submissions to The 2012 FOLC Board of Directors nominees are voted on by the attending membership at our next monthly meeting to be held on Thursday, January 26th at 6:30PM. The meeting location is yet to be determined, but please continue to send your submissions to, and you’ll receive an update as soon as the location is solidified. Additionally, you can follow us at our website and on twitter @folcnola for updates. Thank you, Friends of Lafitte Corridor

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