Below are our positions on for the NCDC today.
2619 CANAL – Deferral
This property is actually one block outside our borders, but we have an interest on all Canal Street development in our general area.
This property appears to be from the 60s-70s and is not a contributing structure. Therefore, MCNO does not oppose to its demolition based on preservation issues.
However, this is an important parcel on Canal Street. We have not had time to review the proposed plans with the property owner, nor have we had an opportunity to discuss this with Broad Street Community Connections to see if they have any concerns.
Since the property is not presenting any danger at this time, MCNO would appreciate a 30 day deferral.
517 S HENNESSEY LLT – Deferral
This property was damaged by a fire at an adjacent property, but this was several years ago and it has remained in sound shape ever since. Only the rear portion – mainly the addition – were affected.
We have asked NORA why this property could not go to Sheriff’s Sale but have received no answer. We request a 30 day deferral to determine the situation.
This block is almost completely blighted so no residents are being affected by allowing this property to remain standing while we explore the issue. Demolishing it will further deteriorate an already very challenged block.