Community Support Foundation Public Meeting

The Community Support Foundation is playing a key role in the unified planning process for the City of New Orleans. We need some Mid-City represntation at this meeting!

New Orleans Community Support Foundation Meeting
WHEN: Friday, July 21, 8:00 am to 9:15 am
WHERE: Greater New Orleans Foundation, 1055 St. Charles Avenue, 1st floor (K&B Plaza, Lee Circle)
MORE INFO: Call (504) 598-4663

I called the above number to try to get a sense of the agenda and was referred to Brenda Cho at Concordia (569-1818). I left her a voicemail. I will post more info here if and when it becomes available.
Thaks to Neighborhoods Planning Network for putting the word out.
Update: Here’s the agenda, via NPN:

I. Welcome
II. Approval of June 17, 2006 Meeting Minutes
III. Ratify Review Panel recommendations for City Wide Planning
IV. Team and Neighborhood/District Planning Teams
V. Approval of contract for project Coordination and Oversight Team
VI. Approval of contract for project website consultant
VII. Approval of contract for project communications consultant
VIII. New Business

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