Mid-City Recovery Planning Meeting
Agenda for Monday, June 26th, 6:30 PM at the Grace Episcopal Church, 3700 Canal Street
I. Introduction (5 minutes)
Wendy Laker will briefly summarize why we’re here, what we’ve done, and where we’re going.
II. Discussion of Proposed Land Use (55 minutes)
Cliff James will discuss proposed use of land in Mid-City with a map. This will also serve as the Questions and Answers period, and relevant announcements are welcomed.
III. Committee Breakout Groups (as long as each committee chooses)
Each committee will meet and work on their portion of the Mid-City Recovery Plan. The goal this evening is to make a preliminary action plan. Each committee will present this action plan at next Monday’s meeting. Some of the committees, such as Governance, Green Space/Public Space, and Transportation, might have fallen through the cracks and might need some help.
The committees and their updated recovery plans can be seen here.