A Summertime Message from NOLA Wise

With summer upon us, residents around the city are turning on their air conditioning and getting relief from the heat. However, the performance of the house may not be up to ideal standards, costing homeowners energy, money and, most importantly, comfort. New Orleans now has a program to help solve these issues. NOLA Wise works to provide homeowners with nationally-certified green contractors to weatherize homes across Orleans Parish.
Funded by the City of New Orleans and the Department of Energy, NOLA Wise helps homeowners lower their energy use and make their homes healthier and more comfortable. It provides quality oversight to the process and acts as a third party between the client and contractor, so all parties know the details and status of the home performance upgrades.
NOLA Wise is managed by Global Green USA, an environmental nonprofit, in partnership with the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance (SEEA), Green Coast Enterprises a handful of select local contractors. With older houses like those found in New Orleans, there is a great deal of savings to be found in all parts of the home. From insulation to air sealing, light bulb replacement to solar screens, NOLA Wise contractors apply a whole-house approach in accordance with Building Performance Institute (BPI) standards. This is the most effective way of scientifically analyzing energy waste and producing the most efficient results possible.
The program works to get homeowners rebates from Entergy’s Energy Smart program, and offers a low-interest loan through Fidelity Homestead Savings Bank to make the process more affordable. With more and more satisfied customers every day, now is the time to call to start the weatherization process and for New Orleans homes to become more green and sustainable.
Call 504-523-WISE for more information or visit the NOLA Wise website as www.nolawise.org.
Austin Lukes, Global Green USA
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