The Zoning Committee of Mid-City Neighborhood Organization (MCNO) is holding a meeting on Monday, July 28th to consider a requested variance for the Office Building at 3400 Bienville (Bienville and N.
Jefferson Davis Pkwy) to:
1) Reduce the required off street parking from 17 to 14.
2) Reduce the required set back from 20 feet to 0 feet on the front
3) Reduce the required set back from 10 feet to 0 feet on the sides
4) Reduce the required set back from 10 feet to 5 feet in the rear
There is a sketch of the proposed building.
[click to enlarge]
More detailed plans will be available at the meeting.
The architects will present the plans for the building at the meeting. Neighbors are encouraged to attend and express their opinion.
The meeting is Monday, July 28th at 6:30 pm. Location is the Bayou Coffee House at 326 N Jeff Davis.
If you are unable to attend or if you want more information, you can leave a comment on this post.
For more information about what’s happening in your neighborhood, contact the Mid-City Neighborhood Organization at or come to the monthly meetings on the first Monday of each month from 6:30-8:30 at Grace Episcopal Church at 3700 Canal St.