Code Enforcement Update

This week’s Code Enforcement Hearings appeared to be a win for Mid-City, even though some residents left, frustrated, because they had to wait so long to testify. MCNO is working with other neighborhood organizations to urge the city to fine tune the process.
In the meantime, below are the results of this week’s code enforcement hearings, links to past results, and a link to the list of upcoming “reset hearings.” These occur when an owner has gotten a 30 or 60 day reprieve and his case is being re-heard. If you have evidence on these properties – either against or in favor of the owner – it is especially important that you submit it to MCNO or the city in advance. As a reminder, please always cc on any code enforcement communications you have with City Hall.
For a complete listing of the properties that went to court this week, search return to last week’s post, entitled “Code Enforcement Docket This Week” and tagged under News.
A number of reset cases are coming up in the next few weeks. We ask residents with an opinion (for or against) to contact City Hall and express your thoughts. For a full list of reset cases, skip to the bottom of this email.
301 S. Alexander: This property, owned by community action group ACORN, received a 30 day reset during which no fines will be levied. The case will be heard again in 30 days.
635 N. Scott: Guilty; 30 days to remediate before fines kick in retroactively.
637-39 Salcedo: The court sent the notice to the wrong property address, therefore the case is being renoticed and reheard.
736 S. Salcedo: Guilty; owner was given 45 days in which to remediate before fines kick in retroactively.
2932 Conti: Owner asserted he had an award letter from the Road Home under the Small Renter’s program, but could not produce it. He was given a 60-day reset during which time he must produce the letter and make minimal improvements or he could be fined.
3016 Bienville: This property had previously came before code enforcement. The judge rendered a conditional judgement, which means if the situation is not remediated in 30 days, the fines kick in retroactively.
3914 Palmyra Street: Guilty; owner has 30 days to remediate or will be charged a $500 one-time fine, $75 in court costs, and $300 per day, retroactively, until remediation is completed or property is sold.
4220 Orleans Avenue: Guilty; will be charged a $500 one-time fine, $75 in court costs, and $300 per day until remediation is completed or property is sold.
4318-20 Bienville Street: The court awarded the owner a 60-day reset during which time no fines will be levied. His case will be evaluated again in 60 days.
Address Dir Street Street 2 Case # Date Time
3820 Banks Street 09-00407 7/30/2009 9:15
1729 Bienville Street 08-000217 8/26/2009 9:15 AM
4318 Bienville Avenue 09-00097 7/29/2009 9:15 AM
4400 Bienville Avenue HCEVU-09-00098 & 99 7/22/2009 9:15 AM
4515 Canal Street 09-00687 7/22/2009 9:15 AM
4218 S. Carrollton Avenue Hcevu-009-00124 7/28/2009 9:15
3016 Cleveland Ave. 08-0002118 7/22/2009 1:15 PM
3116 Cleveland Avenue 08-0002116 7/28/2009 1:15 PM
3514-16 Cleveland Avenue 08-0002009 8/12/2009 9:15 AM
218 S. Gayoso Street 08-0002048 7/22/2009 9:15 AM
238 S. Jefferson Davis 08-0002121 7/29/2009 9:15 AM
2904 Orleans Ave. 09-00951 7/29/2009 1:15 PM
3300-02 Palmyra Street 08-0002026 7/29/2009 9:15 AM
4622-24 Palmyra Street 09-00724 7/28/2009 1:15 PM
4622-24 Palmyra Street 09-00723 7/30/2009 1:15 PM
3236 PalmyraSt. Street 08-0002120 7/22/2009 1:15 PM
619 Scott Street 09-00962 7/29/2009 1:15 PM
304 S. Telemachus Street 09-00465 7/29/2009 1:15 PM
308 Telemachus Street 08-0001997 8/12/2009 9:15 AM
3433 Tulane Avenue 09-00215 8/19/2009 9:15 AM
4051 Tulane Avenue 09-00220 7/30/2009 9:15 AM
3003-05 Tulane Avenue 09-00214 7/30/2009 9:15 AM
3801-03 Ulloa Street 09-00469 7/22/2009 1:15 PM
3815-17 Ulloa Street 09-00470 8/19/2009 1:15 PM

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